Clearing Lazy References
The Lazy
class has a .clear()
When called, the reference held in the Lazy Reference is removed and only the ID is kept so that the instance can be reloaded when needed.
Important background knowledge: However, such a clear does not mean that the referenced instance immediately disappears from memory. That’s the job of the garbage collector of the JVM. The reference is even registered in another place, namely in a global directory (Swizzle Registry), in which each known instance is registered with its ObjectId in a bijective manner. This means: if you clear such a reference, but shortly thereafter the Lazy Reference is queried again, probably nothing has to be loaded from the database, but simply the reference from the Swizzle Registry is restored. Nevertheless, the Swizzle Registry is not a memory leak, because it references the instances only via WeakReference .
In short, if an instance is only referenced as "weak," the JVM GC will still clean it up.
So that the Lazy References do not have to be managed manually, but the whole goes automatically, there is the following mechanism: Each Lazy
instance has a lastTouched
Each .get()
call sets it to the current time.
This will tell you how long a Lazy Reference has not been used, i.e.
if it is needed at all.
The LazyReferenceManager
audits this.
It is enabled by default, with a timeout of 1,000,000 milliseconds, which is about 15 minutes.
A custom manager can be set easily, which should happen before a storage is started.
Duration.ofMinutes(30).toMillis(), // timeout of lazy access
0.75 // memory quota
The timeout of lazy references is set to 30 minutes, meaning references which haven’t been touched for this time are cleared. In combination with a memory quota of 0.75.